Earn money doing what you love

Create content, share and leverage Uxcel’s knowledge base, to help spread the word about Uxcel and earn up to 50% of every subscription you bring in.

How It Works

Start accepting payments in minutes
Our service supports both traditional and digital currencies — receive funds from clients worldwide with minimal effort.

Create a Payment Link

Choose the amount and currency (crypto or fiat) you want to receive. The link is auto-generated with all necessary details.

Share the Link

Send the link to your client. They’ll see various payment options (credit cards, bank transfers, crypto) and pick what’s easiest for them.

Get Paid Instantly

Funds arrive in your account in the currency you selected. No extra steps are required.

This process eliminates the hassle of juggling multiple exchanges or negotiations. Simply create a link, and our service takes care of everything else.
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Use case

Designed for businesses
of all sizes.
Whether you're a freelancer, startup, or enterprise, our platform adapts to your needs with seamless integration.
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All-in-One Payment Solutions
Discover our products designed to simplify, secure, and streamline your crypto and fiat transactions efficiently.
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Payments methods

All your payment options
in one place.

From credit cards to cryptocurrencies, offer your clients the flexibility to pay the way they prefer.


Learn, build, and grow
Access blogs, guides, and documentation to make the most of our platform and improve your payment experience.
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